Doco for Joomla Virtuemart plugin plg_vmshipment_auspostpac1 by ekerner.com
Joomla Virtuemart Shipment Plugin for Australia Post Services.
Employs the AusPost Postage Assessment Calculation API - Tested in PAC 1.3 and PAC 1.4 (latest at 21/04/2013).
Supports: Domestic|International, Parcel|Letter, Regular|Express, Registered, Confirmed, and Insured Post.
For multiple cart products: Calculates parcel sizes and splits into multiple parcels where required as per AuPost parcel limits.
Tested in Joomla 2.5 with VirtueMart 2.0 so far, if you get her running in J3 please let me know :)
The AusPost PAC spec was impressive also and is available via the AusPost Developer Center.
To configure: First enable the plugin in "Administrator -> Extensions -> Plugin Manager", then add a new shipment method in "Administrator -> Components -> Virtuemart -> Shop -> Shipment Methods".
Developed by eKerner.com.au - Technical Solutions.
1. Plugin Installation
- Download plg_vmshipment_auspostpac1.zip from the Joomla extensions dir
- Go to your Joomla Site Administrator
- Click main menu item: Extensions -> Extension Manager
- Use the "Upload Package File" feature to install plg_vmshipment_auspostpac1.zip
2. Plugin Enablement
- Find your newly installed plugin via your Extensions -> Extension Manager -> Manage tab, or via your Extensions -> Plugin Manager (You may need to search for auspostpac1).
- Select the AusPostPAC1 item and "Enable" it either via the Enable button in the top right menu, or using the link in the adjacent Status column.
3. VM Shipment Method Configuration
- Visit the AusPost Developer Centre to obtain your API Key. The latest AusPost Postal Assessment Calculator API (version 1.3 and 1.4) requires it and so you will need it for your AusPostPAC1 plugin configuration.
- Go to your Joomla Site Administrator
- Click main menu item: Components -> Virtuemart
- Click left menu item: Shop -> Shipment Methods
- Click the top-right menu item: New
- Choose which AusPost payment method you are currently configuring from the below section titled "VM Shipment Method Possible Configurations"
- View - where available - the image below that relates to your chosen configuration option for help with settings.
- Give your shipment method an appropriate title (like "AusPost - Parcel - Express") and description, then click Save in the top right menu.
- Click the Configuration Tab to reveal your settings, and apply the appropriate settings. Click Save & Close in the top right menu.
- Repeat these steps for as many shipment methods as you require.
VM Shipment Method Possible Configurations
Note that the config settings dont align with the AusPost product names, its the same in the AusPost spec too. For example: "Express - Registered" aligns with the "Express Courier" product.
You can make this many AusPost VM Shipment methods ...
- Au Domestic - Letter - Standard
- Au Domestic - Letter - Standard - Registered
- Au Domestic - Letter - Standard - Registered - Confirmed
- Au Domestic - Letter - Standard - Registered - Confirmed - Insured
- Au Domestic - Letter - Standard - Registered - Insured
- Au Domestic - Letter - Express
- Au Domestic - Letter - Express - Registered
- Au Domestic - Letter - Express - Registered - Confirmed
- Au Domestic - Letter - Express - Registered - Confirmed - Insured
- Au Domestic - Letter - Express - Registered - Insured
- Au Domestic - Parcel - Standard
- Au Domestic - Parcel - Standard - Registered
- Au Domestic - Parcel - Standard - Registered - Confirmed
- Au Domestic - Parcel - Standard - Registered - Confirmed - Insured
- Au Domestic - Parcel - Standard - Registered - Insured
- Au Domestic - Parcel - Express
- Au Domestic - Parcel - Express - Registered
- Au Domestic - Parcel - Express - Registered - Confirmed
- Au Domestic - Parcel - Express - Registered - Confirmed - Insured
- Au Domestic - Parcel - Express - Registered - Insured
- International - Letter - Standard
- International - Letter - Standard - Registered
- International - Letter - Standard - Registered - Confirmed
- International - Letter - Standard - Registered - Confirmed - Insured
- International - Letter - Standard - Registered - Insured
- International - Letter - Express
- International - Letter - Express - Registered
- International - Letter - Express - Registered - Confirmed
- International - Letter - Express - Registered - Confirmed - Insured
- International - Letter - Express - Registered - Insured
- International - Parcel - Standard
- International - Parcel - Standard - Registered
- International - Parcel - Standard - Registered - Confirmed
- International - Parcel - Standard - Registered - Confirmed - Insured
- International - Parcel - Standard - Registered - Insured
- International - Parcel - Express
- International - Parcel - Express - Registered
- International - Parcel - Express - Registered - Confirmed
- International - Parcel - Express - Registered - Confirmed - Insured
- International - Parcel - Express - Registered - Insured
AusPost Screenshot Images
Virtuemart Shipment Methods Screen
menu | top
Virtuemart Orders Screen
menu | top
VM Shipment Configuration Images
Have fun,
Eugene Kerner.